Christmas is quickly approaching. As I write this, it’s only six days away. You’ve battled the bargain shoppers and survived Black Friday. The decorations are all put out around and on the house. You hear Christmas music everywhere. You’ve even finished your shopping early and won’t be rummaging through the Walgreens sales bins at 10 pm on Christmas Eve. You’ve done the hard part.
Or have you?
Christmas is the time of year for good cheer. It’s the time of year where we get together with our friends and co-workers for the excessive partying that we love so much.
Then, it’s Christmas morning.
After opening the gifts, for most of us, the best part of Christmas is over.
Then it’s time to pay for our sins. No, I’m not talking about the overcrowded Christmas mass for you church-going folk. Nope, I’m talking about the one thing you would like to avoid, but can’t. They are the bane of the existence of all of us.
Now, I’m referring to the fringe family members that we all have. I’m talking about the relatives that you haven’t seen since LAST Christmas and won’t see again until NEXT Christmas.
I’m going to explain the different archetypes of crazy that show up at family functions and how to deal with them.
The Drunk
This is probably the most common archetype that shows up at every family function and has the chance to ruin it. You know what I’m talking about. They show up at the party having already had WAY too much eggnog. It doesn’t matter what kind of drunk they are, they can be the angry drunk, sad drunk, or the really obnoxious I-Love-You drunk. If you let them get too far out of control, your party is ruined.
The Solution: Here’s my favorite tactic. If it’s your home, you have to prepare early. If not, get there early so you can help deal with this eventuality. Be part of the solution. Lure them into a room that you have prepared before they get there with no breakables or anything you want to keep. Tell them to hold on and leave the room and lock them in. Most sloppy drunks lose coordination skills and have trouble manipulating simple things like locks. If this is properly planned, no one will hear them banging on the door and they’ll give up and pass out within minutes.
The Politician
This archetype is seriously obnoxious. It’s considered good manners to keep political discussions/arguments out of polite company. However, this isn’t polite company, this is family and everything goes. The politician is the one who considers himself the expert on all matters political and the other party is dead wrong. This is archetype ranges from the non-bathing, tree hugging hippie to Rush Limbaugh. Neither has a place at the family events…or anywhere for that matter.
The Solution: This requires a bit of tact. You can easily find yourself sucked in the black hole of political banter. You want to avoid this at all costs. This can cost you valuable minutes off your precious life. This is a simple tactic that I’ve used over and over again to get people to leave me alone.
Find out their political affiliation. That won’t be a problem because they will be offering their unsolicited opinion anyway. When they stop to take a breath, say one sentence that rebuts their argument. Just one. When they begin to reply, walk away. If they follow you around the house giving you their rebuttal, at least you can be entertained while ignoring what they have to say. If they leave you alone, mission accomplished. This works whether you agree with them or not. The object is to shut them up.
The Brat
This can be a touchy one. Of course, kids will be kids and sometimes they just need some sleep. I can get a bit cranky when I need sleep myself. I am going to assume that this is a niece, nephew or a younger cousin whose parent needs to add some discipline in their life. Remember, sometimes The Brat may be a bit older. It might be someone who’s lazy and just not working waiting for a handout.
The Solution: This one is solved very quickly and effectively:
Discipline. In my family, a good belt or an old school switch (depending on which relative I pissed off). That usually scared the youngsters straight.
Like Robert Jebediah Freeman once said, “I hate to see a child go unbeaten.”
What about the adult? Another easy fix: An open hand smack to the mouth.
(Pat on the back to whoever can come up with where I got that one from.)
In conclusion, I know this is a much longer post than usual, but it’s important. We have live very stressful lives and the holiday season can be the most stressful. With these quick and easy solutions, you can not only survive the Christmas visits, but thrive.
Merry Christmas…or whatever you celebrate.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Face Your Fears!
What are you afraid of?
Most of us are afraid of failure or rejection. What if I told you that neither of these things existed? Well, I guess I just did.
Here’s the proof:
Imagine yourself going for a new job. You’ve written your resume and it looks flawless. You bought yourself a new suit (or whatever is appropriate) and you’re pressed, clean, hair looks perfect (in my case, my head is shaved clean). You’ve done your research about the company and possibly the person that is interviewing you. You are confident and ready to get that job. Then something awful happens.
They pick someone else.
Does that mean you’ve been rejected? No.
You don’t know what actually happened for them to choose someone else for that job. You make assumptions that you were not qualified, or overqualified, or they are idiots and have no idea what they want. You don’t know for sure, and you’re wasting energy trying to figure it out.
We only feel rejected when we reject ourselves. We are only failures if we quit. In the above example, if you don’t get the job and you decide there are no more jobs out there, then you are a failure. You quit trying to takes steps forward to get what you want. That’s it.
We reject ourselves way more than other people do. If you just accept that the interview process was a learning process, you’ll succeed much faster because you’re not moping and whining about the economy, the government or whatever or whoever we want to blame.
Our lives are in our control. We only control what we do and how we react to adversity.
I see this happen all the time when it comes to people’s fitness. They get started and they do well for a couple of days or weeks. Then, they are tempted with their favorite food and give in. It’s not the giving in that crushes their hopes of a “perfect figure”.
It’s their mindset.
They begin to call themselves weak. The judge themselves harsher than any other person would. They reject themselves.
Then they quit.
Stop the cycle. See what’s happening.
All you have to do when you get off track is to get back on it immediately. When you notice you’re off track that’s a great thing. It’s the first step to greatness. It’s the awareness that you’re somewhere else instead of where you want to be.
The next step is change.
Choose something different.
You are bigger and better than you can ever possibly imagine and when you continuously make even the smallest steps toward your ideal goal, weight or job, you’ll get there faster than you can ever imagine.
Do more. Be more. Make today your day.
Most of us are afraid of failure or rejection. What if I told you that neither of these things existed? Well, I guess I just did.
Here’s the proof:
Imagine yourself going for a new job. You’ve written your resume and it looks flawless. You bought yourself a new suit (or whatever is appropriate) and you’re pressed, clean, hair looks perfect (in my case, my head is shaved clean). You’ve done your research about the company and possibly the person that is interviewing you. You are confident and ready to get that job. Then something awful happens.
They pick someone else.
Does that mean you’ve been rejected? No.
You don’t know what actually happened for them to choose someone else for that job. You make assumptions that you were not qualified, or overqualified, or they are idiots and have no idea what they want. You don’t know for sure, and you’re wasting energy trying to figure it out.
We only feel rejected when we reject ourselves. We are only failures if we quit. In the above example, if you don’t get the job and you decide there are no more jobs out there, then you are a failure. You quit trying to takes steps forward to get what you want. That’s it.
We reject ourselves way more than other people do. If you just accept that the interview process was a learning process, you’ll succeed much faster because you’re not moping and whining about the economy, the government or whatever or whoever we want to blame.
Our lives are in our control. We only control what we do and how we react to adversity.
I see this happen all the time when it comes to people’s fitness. They get started and they do well for a couple of days or weeks. Then, they are tempted with their favorite food and give in. It’s not the giving in that crushes their hopes of a “perfect figure”.
It’s their mindset.
They begin to call themselves weak. The judge themselves harsher than any other person would. They reject themselves.
Then they quit.
Stop the cycle. See what’s happening.
All you have to do when you get off track is to get back on it immediately. When you notice you’re off track that’s a great thing. It’s the first step to greatness. It’s the awareness that you’re somewhere else instead of where you want to be.
The next step is change.
Choose something different.
You are bigger and better than you can ever possibly imagine and when you continuously make even the smallest steps toward your ideal goal, weight or job, you’ll get there faster than you can ever imagine.
Do more. Be more. Make today your day.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Enjoy Your Life!!!
Have you ever had a day that you had a workout planned and just felt like skipping it? Of course you have. We all have.
I’ve mentioned biofeedback before to help guide you toward exercises that will be good for you that day.
What if nothing tests well? Honestly, you may not be asking enough questions. That’s a subject for another blog. Let’s just say that nothing tests well for the sake of argument.
Good. That means that you’re still recovering and there is always tomorrow.
Think about this: If you take an hour spinning class three times a week, that’s three hours of exercise a week.
What do you do with the other 165 hours of your week?
Enjoy them!!
Exercise is supposed to me only a part of your life. It’s important part to keep everything in working order. Keep it there.
Is it more important than spending time with loved ones? No.
Exercise is used to enhance your quality of life while you’re on this earth.
If you like to dance, then exercise should enhance your ability to dance longer, stronger, and happier.
We are supposed to enjoy our lives and keep them balanced. Most of us are imbalanced on the stressful side of things. Exercise helps me get through some of the more stressful times.
Focusing my mind on the good things happening in my life is an even better one.
Being grateful for all the things I have in my life.
A wonderful soon-to-be wife.
A loving family.
Great friends who love me despite myself at times.
All these things are what make life really living. Have exercise add to it and not just be another thing to check off your “To Do” list. Take time for yourself to enjoy whatever it is you enjoy.
Believe it or not, the way you do one thing is the way you do everything.
Imagine if you began to enjoy the more mundane things in life. Everything will be enhanced….
…including your exercise time and results.
I’ve mentioned biofeedback before to help guide you toward exercises that will be good for you that day.
What if nothing tests well? Honestly, you may not be asking enough questions. That’s a subject for another blog. Let’s just say that nothing tests well for the sake of argument.
Good. That means that you’re still recovering and there is always tomorrow.
Think about this: If you take an hour spinning class three times a week, that’s three hours of exercise a week.
What do you do with the other 165 hours of your week?
Enjoy them!!
Exercise is supposed to me only a part of your life. It’s important part to keep everything in working order. Keep it there.
Is it more important than spending time with loved ones? No.
Exercise is used to enhance your quality of life while you’re on this earth.
If you like to dance, then exercise should enhance your ability to dance longer, stronger, and happier.
We are supposed to enjoy our lives and keep them balanced. Most of us are imbalanced on the stressful side of things. Exercise helps me get through some of the more stressful times.
Focusing my mind on the good things happening in my life is an even better one.
Being grateful for all the things I have in my life.
A wonderful soon-to-be wife.
A loving family.
Great friends who love me despite myself at times.
All these things are what make life really living. Have exercise add to it and not just be another thing to check off your “To Do” list. Take time for yourself to enjoy whatever it is you enjoy.
Believe it or not, the way you do one thing is the way you do everything.
Imagine if you began to enjoy the more mundane things in life. Everything will be enhanced….
…including your exercise time and results.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
I have to make a confession.
I have been on a mission for self improvement ever since I ruined my first marriage with my immaturity. I had a hard time forgiving myself over the last few years and have just now allowed myself to make my mistakes.
I’ve also realized that self improvement is a joke.
I am perfect the way I am.
…with all my flaws.
…with all my “mistakes.”
I am just now beginning to understand that I am who I am because I have something to learn. People, places, and organizations are put into our paths to help us learn and I just left one that helped me learn a tremendous amount.
It’s a place where thankfully has helped me continue to learn.
What does that have to do with you and your health?
If you’re like most Americans, you are trying to get healthier…
…and failing.
I’m here to tell you that it’s ok to fail.
It’s ok to make mistakes because you’re going to make them.
The part you have to do is learn from each mistake so you can get closer to what you want in your life. If not, you’re going to make the same mistake over and over again until you get it.
If it’s discipline, get a coach.
Better yet join a group of like minded people going after the same goal. If that group will hold you accountable, you will most definitely have more success than you’ve ever experienced before. No matter how successful you’ve been in the past this is true.
If you’re ready to make that next step, drop a comment or send an email to
We’ll get you where you want to go.
I have been on a mission for self improvement ever since I ruined my first marriage with my immaturity. I had a hard time forgiving myself over the last few years and have just now allowed myself to make my mistakes.
I’ve also realized that self improvement is a joke.
I am perfect the way I am.
…with all my flaws.
…with all my “mistakes.”
I am just now beginning to understand that I am who I am because I have something to learn. People, places, and organizations are put into our paths to help us learn and I just left one that helped me learn a tremendous amount.
It’s a place where thankfully has helped me continue to learn.
What does that have to do with you and your health?
If you’re like most Americans, you are trying to get healthier…
…and failing.
I’m here to tell you that it’s ok to fail.
It’s ok to make mistakes because you’re going to make them.
The part you have to do is learn from each mistake so you can get closer to what you want in your life. If not, you’re going to make the same mistake over and over again until you get it.
If it’s discipline, get a coach.
Better yet join a group of like minded people going after the same goal. If that group will hold you accountable, you will most definitely have more success than you’ve ever experienced before. No matter how successful you’ve been in the past this is true.
If you’re ready to make that next step, drop a comment or send an email to
We’ll get you where you want to go.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Showing my gratitude
As I sit and write this, I have a ton of things to be grateful for. I know that my life is (in the grand scheme of things) amazing and there are days when I feel like I’m the luckiest person in the world.
I am pursuing my passion everyday.
I have a loving fiancée.
I am so abundant in family and friends that love me…sometimes despite myself.
I’m also grateful for my health.
Most importantly, I’m grateful for the Grip and Rip DVDs that I bought a few months ago. That’s where I learned about biofeedback and how I can progress in my chosen exercises every single day and be better for it.
What is biofeedback?
Biofeedback is taking the information your body is giving you and then using it to dictate/guide your training. This can be heart rate, range of motion, rating of perceived exertion (RPE) or exercise speed.
What are the benefits?
What about faster weight loss? I have a client that has lost 2 sizes in her clothes in about a month. That’s without changing her diet too terribly much. Imagine when she gets her food intake dialed in better?
Looking to get bigger? Well, it’ll help you there too if you want it too. If you pick the better exercises for getting bigger, and eat correctly. You will get bigger.
Want to get stronger? I am a testimony to this one. I started doing the deadlift at the gym again using biofeedback. After 2 months, I added 60 pounds to my max deadlift. Those numbers are staggering considering I was barely pulling 300 lbs for my max when I started.
Want a female perspective? I have another client that I train with kettlebells and when she started with me, she could barely swing an 18 lb kettlebell. Now, after 2 months, she can swing a 35 lb kettlebell with relative ease. I’ll write a full blog about her next week.
These are not amazing results. They are typical.
Other benefits? I move better than I have in a long time. I almost feel like I’m barely working out. I feel better after my workout than I did when I came it. That’s a nice feeling when I come from the old school way of working til you pass out and then do some more. I have no desire to do that and possibly hurt myself anymore.
Most importantly, it puts YOU back in charge of your workouts. Your body will tell you how many sets, reps and exercises you will do that day. No more personal trainers pushing you too far and hurting you.
Is it too good to be true?
Like the 2nd greatest villain in movies, Darth Vader, once said, “All too easy.”
I am pursuing my passion everyday.
I have a loving fiancée.
I am so abundant in family and friends that love me…sometimes despite myself.
I’m also grateful for my health.
Most importantly, I’m grateful for the Grip and Rip DVDs that I bought a few months ago. That’s where I learned about biofeedback and how I can progress in my chosen exercises every single day and be better for it.
What is biofeedback?
Biofeedback is taking the information your body is giving you and then using it to dictate/guide your training. This can be heart rate, range of motion, rating of perceived exertion (RPE) or exercise speed.
What are the benefits?
What about faster weight loss? I have a client that has lost 2 sizes in her clothes in about a month. That’s without changing her diet too terribly much. Imagine when she gets her food intake dialed in better?
Looking to get bigger? Well, it’ll help you there too if you want it too. If you pick the better exercises for getting bigger, and eat correctly. You will get bigger.
Want to get stronger? I am a testimony to this one. I started doing the deadlift at the gym again using biofeedback. After 2 months, I added 60 pounds to my max deadlift. Those numbers are staggering considering I was barely pulling 300 lbs for my max when I started.
Want a female perspective? I have another client that I train with kettlebells and when she started with me, she could barely swing an 18 lb kettlebell. Now, after 2 months, she can swing a 35 lb kettlebell with relative ease. I’ll write a full blog about her next week.
These are not amazing results. They are typical.
Other benefits? I move better than I have in a long time. I almost feel like I’m barely working out. I feel better after my workout than I did when I came it. That’s a nice feeling when I come from the old school way of working til you pass out and then do some more. I have no desire to do that and possibly hurt myself anymore.
Most importantly, it puts YOU back in charge of your workouts. Your body will tell you how many sets, reps and exercises you will do that day. No more personal trainers pushing you too far and hurting you.
Is it too good to be true?
Like the 2nd greatest villain in movies, Darth Vader, once said, “All too easy.”
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
#1 Thing Holding You Back
So what’s the #1 reason for slowed success?
Simple. Your thoughts.
How many times have you said the following?
“I’m not good enough.”
“I can’t…”
“I’m too old (too young, too tall, etc)”
“I need to get in better shape before I go to the gym”
All those things are ridiculous. Not only that, they are all lies. We see them as truths because we say them to ourselves way too often.
Here’s a little secret: I am guilty of it too.
I’ve had a couple of days of this lying to myself. Yes, I consider those negative thoughts lies because I believe that I am capable of way more than I have accomplished so far in my life.
Graduation from Purdue University.
Graduation from massage school with straight As.
Deadlifting double my bodyweight.
Succeeding as a professional wrestler.
I have accomplished many things in my lifetime thus far and I’m capable of more.
Way more.
You are more capable than you think as well.
You are good enough.
You can.
You’re old enough (tall enough, etc.)
You are where you are right now, so you can go where you’re supposed to be. If you changed any thought or decision, you’d be a completely different person.
Pay more attention to you thoughts and remember who you are, and you’ll begin to see life in a more grand way.
You’ll also see how important you are.
Simple. Your thoughts.
How many times have you said the following?
“I’m not good enough.”
“I can’t…”
“I’m too old (too young, too tall, etc)”
“I need to get in better shape before I go to the gym”
All those things are ridiculous. Not only that, they are all lies. We see them as truths because we say them to ourselves way too often.
Here’s a little secret: I am guilty of it too.
I’ve had a couple of days of this lying to myself. Yes, I consider those negative thoughts lies because I believe that I am capable of way more than I have accomplished so far in my life.
Graduation from Purdue University.
Graduation from massage school with straight As.
Deadlifting double my bodyweight.
Succeeding as a professional wrestler.
I have accomplished many things in my lifetime thus far and I’m capable of more.
Way more.
You are more capable than you think as well.
You are good enough.
You can.
You’re old enough (tall enough, etc.)
You are where you are right now, so you can go where you’re supposed to be. If you changed any thought or decision, you’d be a completely different person.
Pay more attention to you thoughts and remember who you are, and you’ll begin to see life in a more grand way.
You’ll also see how important you are.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
The #2 Reason You Don't Have The Body You Want
You are working too hard!
What I’m going to tell you will change the way you will look at exercise forever. We’ve all been told to get the results you want (fat loss for most), you have to starve yourself and workout until your tongue is dragging the floor.
Here’s what usually happens:
1. Get some inspiration to go to the gym and take control of your health.
2. Vow that this time it will be different.
3. Get a gym membership and/or personal trainer.
4. The first couple of workouts leave you sore
5. Exercise for a week or two…at most a month.
6. Start skipping workouts.
7. Quit altogether because you “don’t have enough time” or whatever lie you tell yourself.
8. Go back to Step 1.
What if I told you that you just need yourself?
Yes, a personal trainer is usually not needed.
Can your personal trainer take into account the changes in your stress level that day?
Of course not.
No more getting pushed to do more than you can because some meathead said you should.
You need to learn how to listen to your own body.
You can do this.
Thanks to biofeedback.
What is it?
Biofeedback is nothing more than taking the information your body is giving you and then using it to dictate/guide your training. This can be heart rate, range of motion, rating of perceived exertion (RPE), etc.
Exercise either makes your movement either better or worse. The choice is yours.
I want exercise to help you move better.
This gives you a way to see if that is true!
What I’m going to tell you will change the way you will look at exercise forever. We’ve all been told to get the results you want (fat loss for most), you have to starve yourself and workout until your tongue is dragging the floor.
Here’s what usually happens:
1. Get some inspiration to go to the gym and take control of your health.
2. Vow that this time it will be different.
3. Get a gym membership and/or personal trainer.
4. The first couple of workouts leave you sore
5. Exercise for a week or two…at most a month.
6. Start skipping workouts.
7. Quit altogether because you “don’t have enough time” or whatever lie you tell yourself.
8. Go back to Step 1.
What if I told you that you just need yourself?
Yes, a personal trainer is usually not needed.
Can your personal trainer take into account the changes in your stress level that day?
Of course not.
No more getting pushed to do more than you can because some meathead said you should.
You need to learn how to listen to your own body.
You can do this.
Thanks to biofeedback.
What is it?
Biofeedback is nothing more than taking the information your body is giving you and then using it to dictate/guide your training. This can be heart rate, range of motion, rating of perceived exertion (RPE), etc.
Exercise either makes your movement either better or worse. The choice is yours.
I want exercise to help you move better.
This gives you a way to see if that is true!
Monday, September 20, 2010
The Cost of Compliance
If you want to get in shape, you can ONLY if you truly want it.
My last blog post was about reasons that one would like to train. My thoughts were that it definitely would help out with any physical activity you like to do. For me I enjoy strength training and I found out that it transferred well to dancing. For the record, I don’t do ANY “cardio” and that will be a subject of another blog. Anyway, I know that there are people out there who may have stumbled upon this and don’t like to exercise or just won’t do it. The reason is irrelevant.
Here’s the cost of complacency.
You just hate to work out. It's painful and tiring, you stop reading this very blog. It's too much to eat right too. It's cheaper to buy potato chips, ice cream, fast food, soda, hot dogs and hamburger helper than it is to buy fruits, veggies, nuts, eggs, fish and lean steak. Besides, you enjoy the former more than the latter. So, this goes on for a while with a few, sporadic and fleeting efforts at getting in shape. Exercise is painful, after all.
Then, by age 35, you begin to shop at Causal Male XL or Lane Bryant. By age 45, you start having problems with blood sugar, causing the feet to ache and feel cold all the time. Now, you need cholesterol medication. All the while, the aches and pains of carrying around 35% Bodyfat keeps taking its toll and by 55, you have arthritis in one of your knees. That blood sugar problem transforms into type 2 diabetes. So, now you are on insulin, cholesterol medication, and a pain killer... plus something for depression. Shopping at the fat clothing store takes a toll after all.
Now, by 65 you have a heart attack. The doctors manage to patch that up, for now. The effects of all of diabetes has taken it's toll on the arteries going to the feet and now simple sores on the feet turn into septic infections requiring treatment. That arthritic knee is now bone-on-bone and needs to be replaced. Then here comes cancer…
Does that sound extreme? It happens every single day, and it’s completely preventable.
You either pay on the front end or on the back end. Your choice.
Anything we want in life requires effort. It’s ok to stumble and fall as long as you get up. I respect those that keep trying. If you stay down, I have no time for you or any excuses you come up with. There is always away.
If you need help, let me know. It’s what I love to do.
Make today your day!
My last blog post was about reasons that one would like to train. My thoughts were that it definitely would help out with any physical activity you like to do. For me I enjoy strength training and I found out that it transferred well to dancing. For the record, I don’t do ANY “cardio” and that will be a subject of another blog. Anyway, I know that there are people out there who may have stumbled upon this and don’t like to exercise or just won’t do it. The reason is irrelevant.
Here’s the cost of complacency.
You just hate to work out. It's painful and tiring, you stop reading this very blog. It's too much to eat right too. It's cheaper to buy potato chips, ice cream, fast food, soda, hot dogs and hamburger helper than it is to buy fruits, veggies, nuts, eggs, fish and lean steak. Besides, you enjoy the former more than the latter. So, this goes on for a while with a few, sporadic and fleeting efforts at getting in shape. Exercise is painful, after all.
Then, by age 35, you begin to shop at Causal Male XL or Lane Bryant. By age 45, you start having problems with blood sugar, causing the feet to ache and feel cold all the time. Now, you need cholesterol medication. All the while, the aches and pains of carrying around 35% Bodyfat keeps taking its toll and by 55, you have arthritis in one of your knees. That blood sugar problem transforms into type 2 diabetes. So, now you are on insulin, cholesterol medication, and a pain killer... plus something for depression. Shopping at the fat clothing store takes a toll after all.
Now, by 65 you have a heart attack. The doctors manage to patch that up, for now. The effects of all of diabetes has taken it's toll on the arteries going to the feet and now simple sores on the feet turn into septic infections requiring treatment. That arthritic knee is now bone-on-bone and needs to be replaced. Then here comes cancer…
Does that sound extreme? It happens every single day, and it’s completely preventable.
You either pay on the front end or on the back end. Your choice.
Anything we want in life requires effort. It’s ok to stumble and fall as long as you get up. I respect those that keep trying. If you stay down, I have no time for you or any excuses you come up with. There is always away.
If you need help, let me know. It’s what I love to do.
Make today your day!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Why train?
I think most people should be able to find some physical activity that they enjoy doing, and that's the ticket to enjoying getting into shape.
Why do YOU train is the question you need to answer. Some of you may to find a reason to exercise.
I know you probably want to get into shape - but can't bring yourself to workout because you "don't like exercising". Maybe you just really aren't that physical and don't like doing push ups or lifting weights. This isn't about how physical activities like dancing, swimming, or rock climbing can help you get in amazing shape. Instead, it's about how physical activities can help you enjoy going to the gym or working out at home!
Here's why:
When you find a physical activity you really enjoy, if you weren't someone physical beforehand - two things generally happen:
1. You get more used to being physical and more comfortable with exerting yourself, understanding your body etc.
2. You want to get better at the activity you're doing.
BOTH of these things help contribute to wanting to workout outside of the activity you're doing - even if you're not able to do the activity that often. You won't mind doing push ups, running, or lifting weights so much anymore because you'll be used to using your body - and you'll WANT to do it because you'll see the results immediately in whatever your hobby is. And because you'll see results quickly - you'll start enjoying it.
So in short, if you're not someone who enjoys working out, sprinting or running - find something you enjoy and you might find that the way you feel about working out might very well change.
What do you think? Am I right that having a physical activity can help people enjoy working out - or do you think there are better ways for people to start enjoying exercise? Let me know what you think!
Drop me a line and let me know!
Why do YOU train is the question you need to answer. Some of you may to find a reason to exercise.
I know you probably want to get into shape - but can't bring yourself to workout because you "don't like exercising". Maybe you just really aren't that physical and don't like doing push ups or lifting weights. This isn't about how physical activities like dancing, swimming, or rock climbing can help you get in amazing shape. Instead, it's about how physical activities can help you enjoy going to the gym or working out at home!
Here's why:
When you find a physical activity you really enjoy, if you weren't someone physical beforehand - two things generally happen:
1. You get more used to being physical and more comfortable with exerting yourself, understanding your body etc.
2. You want to get better at the activity you're doing.
BOTH of these things help contribute to wanting to workout outside of the activity you're doing - even if you're not able to do the activity that often. You won't mind doing push ups, running, or lifting weights so much anymore because you'll be used to using your body - and you'll WANT to do it because you'll see the results immediately in whatever your hobby is. And because you'll see results quickly - you'll start enjoying it.
So in short, if you're not someone who enjoys working out, sprinting or running - find something you enjoy and you might find that the way you feel about working out might very well change.
What do you think? Am I right that having a physical activity can help people enjoy working out - or do you think there are better ways for people to start enjoying exercise? Let me know what you think!
Drop me a line and let me know!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Buyer Beware!
Just because something is on television doesn't mean it's true. Do your research! Fame does not equal competency.
I was looking through the web for news items about kettlebells, my favorite tool for exercise, and I found Jillian Michaels has a kettlebell training DVD out.
Jillian Michaels, for the couple of you who don't know, is one of the trainers on the Biggest Loser game show. She's helped a lot of people with weight loss, and I believe she cares about the people she works with.
She also has NO business putting out a DVD about kettlebells.
I checked out a video on youtube to see her form with a basic exercise called the swing.
Her form is terrible and anyone listening to her will be visiting my massage table soon after. She's using her arms to lift the bell to the desired height, which is DANGEROUS for your back. Amazing that people get away with publishing such drivel.
I'm a fan of the Biggest Loser show in concept. Have some people who are dangerously close to severe health problems and help them lose weight to better health. They also find out who they truly are and how powerful they are. I love anything that's inspiring like that. There are plenty of things wrong with the execution of the show, but that's not the subject of this post.
If you want to know how to swing a kettlebell properly, see a certified instructor (like me) so you can be safe and learn a very effective exercise.
Make today your day!
I was looking through the web for news items about kettlebells, my favorite tool for exercise, and I found Jillian Michaels has a kettlebell training DVD out.
Jillian Michaels, for the couple of you who don't know, is one of the trainers on the Biggest Loser game show. She's helped a lot of people with weight loss, and I believe she cares about the people she works with.
She also has NO business putting out a DVD about kettlebells.
I checked out a video on youtube to see her form with a basic exercise called the swing.
Her form is terrible and anyone listening to her will be visiting my massage table soon after. She's using her arms to lift the bell to the desired height, which is DANGEROUS for your back. Amazing that people get away with publishing such drivel.
I'm a fan of the Biggest Loser show in concept. Have some people who are dangerously close to severe health problems and help them lose weight to better health. They also find out who they truly are and how powerful they are. I love anything that's inspiring like that. There are plenty of things wrong with the execution of the show, but that's not the subject of this post.
If you want to know how to swing a kettlebell properly, see a certified instructor (like me) so you can be safe and learn a very effective exercise.
Make today your day!
Monday, August 16, 2010
It’s Monday morning as I write this and I’m about to say something that I thought I’d never say again.
“I’m engaged.”
Let the festivities begin!
You’ll hear more about them as they occur. It’s only a day old.
I was a bit afraid of marriage having failed at it the last time (read: failed horribly).
I truly didn’t understand the sanctity of marriage the first time I got married. I didn’t have the commitment level I needed to make it work.
I have noticed that many people have the same problem. They need a level of commitment to themselves to grow and become that they want to become.
It’s that commitment to YOU that’s the most important.
Think about that when you look at starting an exercise regimen. It’s not the exercise program, or the diet or the lifestyle change you’re making. It’s all about the commitment to the exercise program or diet.
When you make that commitment, you will see some very interesting things begin to happen. You will begin to move toward your goals quicker than you can ever imagine.
Being committed and STAYING committed is the biggest need for achieving whatever you want in your life, no matter what it is.
PS: Love you, babe!
“I’m engaged.”
Let the festivities begin!
You’ll hear more about them as they occur. It’s only a day old.
I was a bit afraid of marriage having failed at it the last time (read: failed horribly).
I truly didn’t understand the sanctity of marriage the first time I got married. I didn’t have the commitment level I needed to make it work.
I have noticed that many people have the same problem. They need a level of commitment to themselves to grow and become that they want to become.
It’s that commitment to YOU that’s the most important.
Think about that when you look at starting an exercise regimen. It’s not the exercise program, or the diet or the lifestyle change you’re making. It’s all about the commitment to the exercise program or diet.
When you make that commitment, you will see some very interesting things begin to happen. You will begin to move toward your goals quicker than you can ever imagine.
Being committed and STAYING committed is the biggest need for achieving whatever you want in your life, no matter what it is.
PS: Love you, babe!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Happy Demond Day!!
Happy Demond Day!!!
Yes, I call my birthday Demond Day, which was yesterday, and so do a lot of people I know do now.
Some call it cocky. Some call it silly.
I call it fun.
I had a lot of fun this year, like I always do. I'm always appreciative of how many people care enough to wish me a happy birthday. That's a better gift than any material thing I can receive.
I’ve thought about calling this blog “Happy New Year” because technically it is a new year for me considering I am starting on my 37th year of my life. Like on the other New Year’s Day holiday, I usually spend the time leading up to Demond Day thinking about how the last year went and my current goals.
This last year has been eventful to say the least. I’ve had my ups and downs like everyone else. I was a lot more even keel this year. My ups were good and my downs are few and short-lived.
This year will be another big year for me, and I would like to share with you what I have planned.
My biggest goal is to have a gym that I can be proud of to open around this time next year. Everything I do from here on out has that end in mind.
I have some fitness goals too.
Side Press ½ my bodyweight: I know I can do this by this time next year. This one is well within reach as long as I listen to my body and take my time.
Hold a free handstand for a minute: This one will take some time and I know I can do this. Doing massage as my primary occupation right now will keep me from doing too much. Gotta make that money!
I’m also looking to get down to 155 lbs just to see if I would be comfortable at that weight. I’ve averaged between 160-165 for the last few years. It might be too small for me, so we’ll see. My issue has been staying at that weight. I know it’s not much of a change. It’s just a curiosity thing for me.
Goals are important as we all know. They are important ONLY if we have burning desire to achieve them. If not, they are only fantasies and a waste of time.
Anyway, I’m in the process of writing down my other goals so I can share more if anyone wants to know.
What I want to know is…what are YOUR goals?
Yes, I call my birthday Demond Day, which was yesterday, and so do a lot of people I know do now.
Some call it cocky. Some call it silly.
I call it fun.
I had a lot of fun this year, like I always do. I'm always appreciative of how many people care enough to wish me a happy birthday. That's a better gift than any material thing I can receive.
I’ve thought about calling this blog “Happy New Year” because technically it is a new year for me considering I am starting on my 37th year of my life. Like on the other New Year’s Day holiday, I usually spend the time leading up to Demond Day thinking about how the last year went and my current goals.
This last year has been eventful to say the least. I’ve had my ups and downs like everyone else. I was a lot more even keel this year. My ups were good and my downs are few and short-lived.
This year will be another big year for me, and I would like to share with you what I have planned.
My biggest goal is to have a gym that I can be proud of to open around this time next year. Everything I do from here on out has that end in mind.
I have some fitness goals too.
Side Press ½ my bodyweight: I know I can do this by this time next year. This one is well within reach as long as I listen to my body and take my time.
Hold a free handstand for a minute: This one will take some time and I know I can do this. Doing massage as my primary occupation right now will keep me from doing too much. Gotta make that money!
I’m also looking to get down to 155 lbs just to see if I would be comfortable at that weight. I’ve averaged between 160-165 for the last few years. It might be too small for me, so we’ll see. My issue has been staying at that weight. I know it’s not much of a change. It’s just a curiosity thing for me.
Goals are important as we all know. They are important ONLY if we have burning desire to achieve them. If not, they are only fantasies and a waste of time.
Anyway, I’m in the process of writing down my other goals so I can share more if anyone wants to know.
What I want to know is…what are YOUR goals?
Thursday, August 5, 2010
The Power of Good Company
I was at Toastmasters this morning and had a great time. The meeting starts at 6:45am every Thursday, if you’re wondering.
Yes, I said AM.
The club is a lot of fun and we have a talented and (more importantly) a very supportive group. It got me to thinking.
I’m a very lucky guy. I have some of the most supportive friends that you can possibly imagine. I’ve been trying lots of different things over the years.
Professional wrestling.
Public speaking.
I’ve had some hits and misses over the years, and I keep trying to find my way through this world anyway. It made me realize the power of the people around us. The company that we keep says a lot about us. It also says a lot about how far we can go and what we can do.
I have talked to and worked with a lot of people over the years when it comes to health and fitness. The complaints are the same for the most part.
People trying to lose weight.
It’s always interesting that most of them really want to lose the weight, and after some probing, there is always a lack of support.
How sad.
It’s impossible to get anything done in this world by yourself.
I’ve tried. Believe me, I know.
If you’re looking to lose weight (or accomplish any other goal), you need a support system. You need someone to call when you’re feeling not yourself.
(Note: Most people would say weak. I believe that we are stronger beyond all measure and forget.)
You need help.
We all do, and it’s ok to admit.
Michael Jordan didn’t win a championship until Phil Jackson showed up.
Shaq couldn’t win without Dwayne Wade or Kobe.
Kobe couldn’t win without Gasol or Shaq.
Unless you’re a hermit that lives in the mountains…(and if you are, how in the world did you get internet access?), then you have people around you.
Make sure they are good ones.
Yes, I said AM.
The club is a lot of fun and we have a talented and (more importantly) a very supportive group. It got me to thinking.
I’m a very lucky guy. I have some of the most supportive friends that you can possibly imagine. I’ve been trying lots of different things over the years.
Professional wrestling.
Public speaking.
I’ve had some hits and misses over the years, and I keep trying to find my way through this world anyway. It made me realize the power of the people around us. The company that we keep says a lot about us. It also says a lot about how far we can go and what we can do.
I have talked to and worked with a lot of people over the years when it comes to health and fitness. The complaints are the same for the most part.
People trying to lose weight.
It’s always interesting that most of them really want to lose the weight, and after some probing, there is always a lack of support.
How sad.
It’s impossible to get anything done in this world by yourself.
I’ve tried. Believe me, I know.
If you’re looking to lose weight (or accomplish any other goal), you need a support system. You need someone to call when you’re feeling not yourself.
(Note: Most people would say weak. I believe that we are stronger beyond all measure and forget.)
You need help.
We all do, and it’s ok to admit.
Michael Jordan didn’t win a championship until Phil Jackson showed up.
Shaq couldn’t win without Dwayne Wade or Kobe.
Kobe couldn’t win without Gasol or Shaq.
Unless you’re a hermit that lives in the mountains…(and if you are, how in the world did you get internet access?), then you have people around you.
Make sure they are good ones.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Cure For Writer's Block
I have writer’s block. I have been challenged with this for the last couple of days. Normally, I’d be upset because I’m putting in a less than perfect post.
News flash: I am less than perfect.
And it’s ok.
We’ve all had times where we feel that we’ve tried and failed.
Or messed up.
So what? The last paragraph was one sentence that is actually a fragment.
So what?
What can I concentrate on here? I’m actually writing. I’m being honest with you and myself.
How does this relate to health and fitness?
Sometimes we feel like skipping the gym. We’ve had an argument with the boss, or the spouse. Received a speeding ticket. Maybe you just had a bad day.
What do you do?
Carry on. Go anyway. Sometimes you surprise yourself with your results. Sometimes you just need to push yourself.
I have said to myself subconsciously that I’m not good enough and people don’t like me for YEARS! Ridiculous, I know.
Before I wrote this there was a little voice telling me that I’m not a good writer and no one will read my blog, so why write?
Why write?
I love to write even if it’s just for me. I love to exercise and that’s completely for me, although my girlfriend reaps the benefits.
I also do them for you.
I want to be an example. I want to cause a change in this world.
Maybe one word I say will change someone’s life.
Maybe my written word will inspire.
Who knows?
It’s irrelevant. I do it for me…and that’s enough.
Just being honest.
News flash: I am less than perfect.
And it’s ok.
We’ve all had times where we feel that we’ve tried and failed.
Or messed up.
So what? The last paragraph was one sentence that is actually a fragment.
So what?
What can I concentrate on here? I’m actually writing. I’m being honest with you and myself.
How does this relate to health and fitness?
Sometimes we feel like skipping the gym. We’ve had an argument with the boss, or the spouse. Received a speeding ticket. Maybe you just had a bad day.
What do you do?
Carry on. Go anyway. Sometimes you surprise yourself with your results. Sometimes you just need to push yourself.
I have said to myself subconsciously that I’m not good enough and people don’t like me for YEARS! Ridiculous, I know.
Before I wrote this there was a little voice telling me that I’m not a good writer and no one will read my blog, so why write?
Why write?
I love to write even if it’s just for me. I love to exercise and that’s completely for me, although my girlfriend reaps the benefits.
I also do them for you.
I want to be an example. I want to cause a change in this world.
Maybe one word I say will change someone’s life.
Maybe my written word will inspire.
Who knows?
It’s irrelevant. I do it for me…and that’s enough.
Just being honest.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Flexibility and Strength at the same time?
Yes, you can use flexibility to get stronger!
Most of us stretch using the old fashioned method we learned in gym class. The classic example is the good ole sit and reach. We reach as far as we can until we can’t go anymore. What stops you from reaching your toes or farther is the stretch reflex.
The stretch reflex is what kicks in to keep you from hurting yourself. If you’ve never touched your toes before and you reach down to do so, your body is going to protect itself and not allow you to do it.
So, how do we fool it?
If you reach a full stretch, and then tense the muscles being stretched, what will happen is the stretch reflex in the muscle will not resist nearly as much…for a little while. So, after relaxing the muscle, you will be able to stretch a little bit further. I have helped a friend who had never touched her toes touch them for the first time using this technique.
How does this make you stronger?
Whenever you contract the muscle you are making it stronger. When you do a bicep curl, you are contracting the bicep to move the weight. If you stop the weight in the middle of the rep, you are still contracting the muscle, this is an isometric contraction.
Isometrics is a very powerful tool for strength development.
To develop strength-flexibility, stretch as far as you can, then flex the stretched muscle.
Most of us stretch using the old fashioned method we learned in gym class. The classic example is the good ole sit and reach. We reach as far as we can until we can’t go anymore. What stops you from reaching your toes or farther is the stretch reflex.
The stretch reflex is what kicks in to keep you from hurting yourself. If you’ve never touched your toes before and you reach down to do so, your body is going to protect itself and not allow you to do it.
So, how do we fool it?
If you reach a full stretch, and then tense the muscles being stretched, what will happen is the stretch reflex in the muscle will not resist nearly as much…for a little while. So, after relaxing the muscle, you will be able to stretch a little bit further. I have helped a friend who had never touched her toes touch them for the first time using this technique.
How does this make you stronger?
Whenever you contract the muscle you are making it stronger. When you do a bicep curl, you are contracting the bicep to move the weight. If you stop the weight in the middle of the rep, you are still contracting the muscle, this is an isometric contraction.
Isometrics is a very powerful tool for strength development.
To develop strength-flexibility, stretch as far as you can, then flex the stretched muscle.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Yes, your kids like broccoli
Well, they might. I hear a lot about children only liking certain fried foods and that they won't eat anything else. As a former stubborn child with an equally stubborn mother, these are some of the ways that she got me to eat what I "didn't" want. This was also verified by listening to my girlfriend, Christa, who is a nanny and "Child Whisperer."
1. YOU control the supply lines.
You decide which foods to buy and when to serve them. Yes, your kids will pester you for less nutritious foods. Just remember you’re in charge!
2. Kids need to have some say in the matter.
Make sure that the choices they have are nutritious ones. From the selections YOU offer, let them choose what to eat and how much of it they want.
3. End the "clean-plate club."
Let them stop eating when they feel they've had enough. This teaches your children to respond to feelings of being full and prevents overeating
4. Remember drink calories.
Soda and other sweetened drinks add extra calories and get in the way of good nutrition. Water is the best drink for kids.
5. Kids do as you do.
You are your child’s biggest role model. To teach good eating habits, set the best example possible. Choose nutritious snacks, eat at the table, and don't skip meals.
6. Limit TV and computer time.
When you do, you'll avoid mindless snacking and encourage activity. When TV and computer time are limited, kids will find more active things to do. And when the whole family limits "screen time," you'll have more time to be active together.
Remember this: No one will let themselves starve! Yes, children can be very stubborn. Chicken fingers and french fries are poor substitutes for food. The biggest reason I've noticed that children eat poorly is because they are hesitant to try something different. Your children deserve the best so they can grow. Give it to them.
1. YOU control the supply lines.
You decide which foods to buy and when to serve them. Yes, your kids will pester you for less nutritious foods. Just remember you’re in charge!
2. Kids need to have some say in the matter.
Make sure that the choices they have are nutritious ones. From the selections YOU offer, let them choose what to eat and how much of it they want.
3. End the "clean-plate club."
Let them stop eating when they feel they've had enough. This teaches your children to respond to feelings of being full and prevents overeating
4. Remember drink calories.
Soda and other sweetened drinks add extra calories and get in the way of good nutrition. Water is the best drink for kids.
5. Kids do as you do.
You are your child’s biggest role model. To teach good eating habits, set the best example possible. Choose nutritious snacks, eat at the table, and don't skip meals.
6. Limit TV and computer time.
When you do, you'll avoid mindless snacking and encourage activity. When TV and computer time are limited, kids will find more active things to do. And when the whole family limits "screen time," you'll have more time to be active together.
Remember this: No one will let themselves starve! Yes, children can be very stubborn. Chicken fingers and french fries are poor substitutes for food. The biggest reason I've noticed that children eat poorly is because they are hesitant to try something different. Your children deserve the best so they can grow. Give it to them.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
About Flexibility

When I started massage school, I thought I knew quite a bit about the human body.
I have been using my body physically to make a living for most of my life and still I am realizing how little I know. It’s a humbling experience and a fun one as well.
Here’s a good example. I have heard quite a bit about flexibility and stretching since I started playing sports all those years ago. We all know that we are supposed to stretch before our physical activity. Hold each stretch for 30 seconds and relax. Sometimes do it twice with the same stretch and move on to our activity.
During massage school, I learned that there was quite a bit more to stretching and flexibility other than what we were taught in gym class. Over the next couple of weeks I’m going to explain a few of them to you, and educate you on some things that you are probably new to you. The first is one most of us are the most familiar with: Static Stretching.
Static Stretching is when you gradually lengthen a muscle to an elongated position (to the point of discomfort) and hold that position for 30 seconds to two minutes. The classic example is the toe touch to stretch the hamstrings (muscles on the back of the thighs).
Here’s the interesting thing about static stretching is that there is some research that suggests that static stretching before your activity can hinder your performance. It also seems to be the least efficient way to gain flexibility. After your activity, however, static stretching is great for helping alleviate the soreness that could come later.
Next week, we’ll talk about a way to stretch that will make you stronger.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Raising Healthy Children
It never ceases to amaze me when I see children that are overweight or obese. Nothing breaks my heart more knowing that there are children out there who will not reach the age expectancy of their parents. To me it’s a form of child abuse, and I’ll rant about that more in a future post. The point of this one is to offer a solution.
We have all heard and read that we all need 60 minutes of activity.
“Easier said than done,” you say?
I say better done than said.
Yes, I understand that you’re busy. I understand that time is a precious commodity, and we want to enjoy our children and the growing up process. I am here to make it easier for you.
Here are some activities that children already love to do:
• Bicycling
• Dancing
• Jumping rope
• Rollerblading
• Running
• Skipping
• Swimming
With it being summer time, let your children go out and play and enjoy life!
Here’s the best part:
You can go out and do it with them.
Your children want something more valuable than toys and ice cream, and that is to spend time with you. Some of my favorite memories growing up are with me spending time with my dad in the various sports I played as a kid. That’s what matters most.
Any comments, questions, or suggestions? Leave a comment and let me know!
Make today your day!
We have all heard and read that we all need 60 minutes of activity.
“Easier said than done,” you say?
I say better done than said.
Yes, I understand that you’re busy. I understand that time is a precious commodity, and we want to enjoy our children and the growing up process. I am here to make it easier for you.
Here are some activities that children already love to do:
• Bicycling
• Dancing
• Jumping rope
• Rollerblading
• Running
• Skipping
• Swimming
With it being summer time, let your children go out and play and enjoy life!
Here’s the best part:
You can go out and do it with them.
Your children want something more valuable than toys and ice cream, and that is to spend time with you. Some of my favorite memories growing up are with me spending time with my dad in the various sports I played as a kid. That’s what matters most.
Any comments, questions, or suggestions? Leave a comment and let me know!
Make today your day!
Monday, June 14, 2010
I've been a massage therapist for the last six months for all the wrong reasons.
Give me a second, let me explain.
Most of my friends know me as a mostly positive person, who goes after what he wants. For the most part this is true. I nearly always succeed in life at what I truly put my mind to, and becoming an LMT (Licensed Massage Therapist) is no different. I am always cheering someone on to follow their dreams, and go for what they want in life. Most hear what I have to say, and go back to what they are doing. I've wondered why for a long time, and now I know.
I haven't been practicing what I preach.
I enjoy being a massage therapist. It's a great way to help people and I'm believe that holistic healing is infinitely more helpful (most times) than "regular" medicine and what they pharmaceutical companies want us to buy.
The problem is this: I don't LOVE it.
What do I love? Exercise. I love reading about it. I love doing it and sometimes I even like writing about it.
I have had a dream of opening my own gym for the longest time, and I've never truly acted on it. Going through this process will change my life and hopefully it'll change other's lives as well.
That has changed and I'm on my way.
Am I scared? Not really. When you have a vision for your life and move forward everyday KNOWING it'll happen, it changes things.
Do you have a dream you'd like to pursue? Join me!
Make today your day!!
Give me a second, let me explain.
Most of my friends know me as a mostly positive person, who goes after what he wants. For the most part this is true. I nearly always succeed in life at what I truly put my mind to, and becoming an LMT (Licensed Massage Therapist) is no different. I am always cheering someone on to follow their dreams, and go for what they want in life. Most hear what I have to say, and go back to what they are doing. I've wondered why for a long time, and now I know.
I haven't been practicing what I preach.
I enjoy being a massage therapist. It's a great way to help people and I'm believe that holistic healing is infinitely more helpful (most times) than "regular" medicine and what they pharmaceutical companies want us to buy.
The problem is this: I don't LOVE it.
What do I love? Exercise. I love reading about it. I love doing it and sometimes I even like writing about it.
I have had a dream of opening my own gym for the longest time, and I've never truly acted on it. Going through this process will change my life and hopefully it'll change other's lives as well.
That has changed and I'm on my way.
Am I scared? Not really. When you have a vision for your life and move forward everyday KNOWING it'll happen, it changes things.
Do you have a dream you'd like to pursue? Join me!
Make today your day!!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
The Power of Visualization
The following is a true story…
When I decided to fulfill my dream of becoming a professional wrestler, I told my wife that I wanted to have a WWE contract by the time I was 30. Keep in mind:
1. I was 26 when I started and there were guys who had been working for 7 or 8 years that didn’t have contracts.
2. I’m not anywhere near 6 ft tall (5’4” to be exact)
3. I’m never going to weigh even close to 200 lbs.
The odds just didn’t seem in my favor. During road trips, I would talk with people who had the same dreams of professional wrestling success. I thought I would earn a contract by my 30th birthday. I didn’t just think about it, I KNEW that I would be a WWE employee whether anyone else did or not. Less than 30 days after my 29th birthday, I premiered on WWE programming. Thinking back on it, I figured out how I did it. I BELIEVED without a shadow of a doubt that I would fulfill my dream. No one could tell me that it wasn’t going to happen because I KNEW I could. Of course, hard work and dedication are part of the equation, but I used Visualization.
Visualization is picturing a desired object or outcome so clearly and focusing intention and creative energy on it so intently that it is created in our reality.
What does this have to do with massage or relaxation?
Simple. Try this simple exercise. Stand up with your arm straight out and with your feet planted twist at the waist as far as you can. Note how far you twisted. Now, close your eyes and visualize twisting all the way around to the front again. Next, without opening your eyes, twist as far as you can. Once you get as far as you can, open your eyes.
Go ahead. I'll wait...
I guarantee that you twisted much farther the second time. That is the power of visualization. Now, if you can do that with such a simple exercise, then imagine when you are stretching or just relaxing.
Read the last post again, expecially the exercise. Now, add visualization to it by visualizing your muscles relaxing as you breath. Try it for a week and let me know your results.
When I decided to fulfill my dream of becoming a professional wrestler, I told my wife that I wanted to have a WWE contract by the time I was 30. Keep in mind:
1. I was 26 when I started and there were guys who had been working for 7 or 8 years that didn’t have contracts.
2. I’m not anywhere near 6 ft tall (5’4” to be exact)
3. I’m never going to weigh even close to 200 lbs.
The odds just didn’t seem in my favor. During road trips, I would talk with people who had the same dreams of professional wrestling success. I thought I would earn a contract by my 30th birthday. I didn’t just think about it, I KNEW that I would be a WWE employee whether anyone else did or not. Less than 30 days after my 29th birthday, I premiered on WWE programming. Thinking back on it, I figured out how I did it. I BELIEVED without a shadow of a doubt that I would fulfill my dream. No one could tell me that it wasn’t going to happen because I KNEW I could. Of course, hard work and dedication are part of the equation, but I used Visualization.
Visualization is picturing a desired object or outcome so clearly and focusing intention and creative energy on it so intently that it is created in our reality.
What does this have to do with massage or relaxation?
Simple. Try this simple exercise. Stand up with your arm straight out and with your feet planted twist at the waist as far as you can. Note how far you twisted. Now, close your eyes and visualize twisting all the way around to the front again. Next, without opening your eyes, twist as far as you can. Once you get as far as you can, open your eyes.
Go ahead. I'll wait...
I guarantee that you twisted much farther the second time. That is the power of visualization. Now, if you can do that with such a simple exercise, then imagine when you are stretching or just relaxing.
Read the last post again, expecially the exercise. Now, add visualization to it by visualizing your muscles relaxing as you breath. Try it for a week and let me know your results.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
The Purpose of Breath
We live in a very fast paced society. In this new age of technology with iPods, the internet, and cell phones that are essentially mini computers, we are constantly bombarded with stimulus and it puts stress on the mind and body. This is before we actually talk about the stresses of work, family obligations, and our day-to-day activities.
Stress is the body's reaction to any change that requires an adjustment or response. The body reacts to these changes with physical, mental, and emotional responses, and it’s a normal part of life. The events that happen around you (and your reaction to them) put stress on your body. You can experience stress from your environment, your body, and your thoughts.
Next time you feel stress, pay attention to your breathing. When we are stressed the breath usually becomes very shallow. The first thing you do to relieve that stress is to begin deep breathing.
Deep breathing lowers blood pressure, relax the muscles, and slow your heart and respiration rate. It also prevents stress from building up. It reduces insomnia and fatigue and reduces general anxiety. It also increases your energy level and helps you slow down your racing thoughts. The list goes on and on.
A word of caution: if you feel dizzy or light headed, then stop. With that being said, here’s a deep breathing exercise to get you started:
Deep Breathing Exercise
Take a very deep breath through your mouth and nose, completely filling up your lungs. Now hold it for 3 seconds, and exhale, forcing every last bit of air out. Take a few regular breaths, and repeat 5-10 times.
In a nutshell, deep breathing counteracts the physical and mental affects of the fight or flight response. It serves to reduce anxiety when it strikes. When practiced regularly, its physical and mental benefits may also help prevent anxiety, and keeps you in the present moment, so you may think clearly and function better.
Try it and let me know how it goes.
Stress is the body's reaction to any change that requires an adjustment or response. The body reacts to these changes with physical, mental, and emotional responses, and it’s a normal part of life. The events that happen around you (and your reaction to them) put stress on your body. You can experience stress from your environment, your body, and your thoughts.
Next time you feel stress, pay attention to your breathing. When we are stressed the breath usually becomes very shallow. The first thing you do to relieve that stress is to begin deep breathing.
Deep breathing lowers blood pressure, relax the muscles, and slow your heart and respiration rate. It also prevents stress from building up. It reduces insomnia and fatigue and reduces general anxiety. It also increases your energy level and helps you slow down your racing thoughts. The list goes on and on.
A word of caution: if you feel dizzy or light headed, then stop. With that being said, here’s a deep breathing exercise to get you started:
Deep Breathing Exercise
Take a very deep breath through your mouth and nose, completely filling up your lungs. Now hold it for 3 seconds, and exhale, forcing every last bit of air out. Take a few regular breaths, and repeat 5-10 times.
In a nutshell, deep breathing counteracts the physical and mental affects of the fight or flight response. It serves to reduce anxiety when it strikes. When practiced regularly, its physical and mental benefits may also help prevent anxiety, and keeps you in the present moment, so you may think clearly and function better.
Try it and let me know how it goes.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Hello world!!
Welcome to the Hands On Health Experience. My name is Demond Thompson, and I’m nationally certified, licensed massage therapist in Louisville, Kentucky. I intend to help usher in a Renaissance of Well Being. I will share information and my thoughts on health and well being.
Enjoy the ride. It’s going to be fun!
Enjoy the ride. It’s going to be fun!
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