Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Power of Visualization

The following is a true story…

When I decided to fulfill my dream of becoming a professional wrestler, I told my wife that I wanted to have a WWE contract by the time I was 30. Keep in mind:
1. I was 26 when I started and there were guys who had been working for 7 or 8 years that didn’t have contracts.
2. I’m not anywhere near 6 ft tall (5’4” to be exact)
3. I’m never going to weigh even close to 200 lbs.

The odds just didn’t seem in my favor. During road trips, I would talk with people who had the same dreams of professional wrestling success. I thought I would earn a contract by my 30th birthday. I didn’t just think about it, I KNEW that I would be a WWE employee whether anyone else did or not. Less than 30 days after my 29th birthday, I premiered on WWE programming. Thinking back on it, I figured out how I did it. I BELIEVED without a shadow of a doubt that I would fulfill my dream. No one could tell me that it wasn’t going to happen because I KNEW I could. Of course, hard work and dedication are part of the equation, but I used Visualization.

Visualization is picturing a desired object or outcome so clearly and focusing intention and creative energy on it so intently that it is created in our reality.

What does this have to do with massage or relaxation?

Simple. Try this simple exercise. Stand up with your arm straight out and with your feet planted twist at the waist as far as you can. Note how far you twisted. Now, close your eyes and visualize twisting all the way around to the front again. Next, without opening your eyes, twist as far as you can. Once you get as far as you can, open your eyes.

Go ahead. I'll wait...

I guarantee that you twisted much farther the second time. That is the power of visualization. Now, if you can do that with such a simple exercise, then imagine when you are stretching or just relaxing.

Read the last post again, expecially the exercise. Now, add visualization to it by visualizing your muscles relaxing as you breath. Try it for a week and let me know your results.

1 comment:

  1. Cool! Very good post; I tried the twisting exercise and actually did go farther after visualizing. Very well written too. :)
